PCB Lawyers LLP
London Office
Cavendish Court
11-15 Wigmore Street
T: +44 (0) 20 7299 9261 (Sam Molloy)
F: +44 (0) 20 7000 1359
E: enquiries@pcblawyers.com
Manchester Office
111 Piccadilly
M1 2HY
T: +44 (0) 20 7299 9182 (Shaun Anderton)
E: enquiries@pcblawyers.com
Hong Kong Office
1603 Wheelock House
20 Pedder Street
Hong Kong
T: +852 96607475 (Henry Sit)
E: enquiries@pcblawyers.com
A list of members may be inspected at its registered office at Cavendish Court,
11-15 Wigmore Street, London, W1U 1PF. The information in this web site is for general guidance only. It is not intended to be suitable for specific legal advice which you should seek before taking or refraining from taking any steps. We will not be responsible for any loss or damages (including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of privacy and loss of data) or for any other direct or indirect, special or punitive damages whatsoever that arise out of or that are related to the use of this web site. We are required annually to collect, report and publish data on the diversity of our workforce. This data is available on request - please ask if you would like to receive a copy of our latest report.

PCB Lawyers LLP
London Office
Cavendish Court
11-15 Wigmore Street
T: +44 (0) 20 7299 9261 (Sam Molloy)
F: +44 (0) 20 7000 1359
E: enquiries@pcblawyers.com
Manchester Office
111 Piccadilly
M1 2HY
T: +44 (0) 20 7299 9182 (Shaun Anderton)
E: enquiries@pcblawyers.com
Hong Kong Office
1603 Wheelock House
20 Pedder Street
Hong Kong
T: +852 96607475 (Henry Sit)
E: enquiries@pcblawyers.com
PCB is a limited liability partnership, authorised and regulated by
the Solicitors Regulation Authorityand registered in England and Wales under registered number: OC318980 and VAT number: 362 4964 34. PCB Lawyers LLP authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under number 441402. Any reference to “partner” means a member of PCB Lawyers LLP.
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Probate fees
A list of members may be inspected at its registered office at Cavendish Court,
11-15 Wigmore Street, London, W1U 1PF. The information in this web site is for general guidance only. It is not intended to be suitable for specific legal advice which you should seek before taking or refraining from taking any steps. We will not be responsible for any loss or damages (including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of privacy and loss of data) or for any other direct or indirect, special or punitive damages whatsoever that arise out of or that are related to the use of this web site. We are required annually to collect, report and publish data on the diversity of our workforce. This data is available on request - please ask if you would like to receive a copy of our latest report.